Mikal Sklaroff, LCMHC

“Together, Making the Pieces Fit”


Therapy works because you bravely face your fears, keep resolve when you would normally give in to old familiar (but ineffective) attempts to seek relief, and because you can finally recognize it is you who changes your world. Because happiness isn’t just a goal, it’s a learned skill. Real change and recovery from suffering can occur through psychotherapy. Undertaking and realizing the benefits of such work takes courage, commitment, humor, and compassion on the part of both the therapist and client. Let’s get to work.

— Mikal Sklaroff

“ Welcome! My office suite is a safe and relaxed environment designed to encourage change and growth. My style of therapy is founded on the belief that human beings are unique, creative, adaptive, and innovative. I believe that we have many of the answers already inside us, but may not have ever known how or when to put the parts together. ”