Resources for the Curious Minds Looking to learn more? Here are some useful resources and interesting links below. AutismInformation about AutismAutism Society of North CarolinaAutism by those who have a diagnosisLocal Agency for Kids on the SpectrumInformation from Parents with Autism ChildrenHow Autism Children See the World Gender EqualityHeForShe Global OrganizationGender Equality for WomenJon Stewart Calling Out Sexism In PoliticsThe Word Bossy Needs to Change for GirlsJon Stewart Breaking it Down for Gender InequalityJon Stewart Breaking Down Part TwoA Voice that Carries Just for FunTalk to Customer ServiceRead more ComicsHealthy EatingPositive News Thought Provoking ArticlesPatholiigical Demand Avoidance Mental HealthSoutheast Psych- Charlotte, NCFind Local Mental Health CliniciansDisability Employment ResourcesWhat Therapy Taught MeLawyers for Seniors and Individuals with Special NeedsRental Housing Rights for Disabled TenantsInvisible Disabilities Association Kids & ParentingHelp your Kids be SuccessfulCreating a Home for your Child with Disability to Thrive InGirls In ScienceCharlotte Parent